Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kirk Ireton, a small village with big heart

Canon David Truby :-The partnership between the Diocese of Durgapur and the Wriksworth Team Ministry in England has been developing for nearly six years. During that time a number of parishes in the team have contributed towards the “Rikshaw Project”. In the January of this year Canon David Truby, the team reactor, visited Durgapur with three of his colleagues from the other Churches in Wriksworth. Their intention was to extend the link to the other denominations represented within the town. In June the Bishop of the Durgapur Rt. Rev. Probal Kanto Dutta, took three of his clergy to visit Wriksworth during their name in England as guests of the United Reformed Church.

During his visit, the Bishop spoke at an open air service in Kirk Irecton, one of the villages in the Wriksworth team. A young couple who were preparing to get married were so inspired by his talk that they asked their family and friends to donate to the Rikshaw Project rather than buy them gifts at the time of their marriage.

The latest idea to originate from Kirk Irecton came from the children who attend the village youth club called ‘Juniors Den”. During their summer holidays, thirteen of the children did jobs around the home and village for family and friends in exchange for payment. They raised a total of $ 235 which has now been sent to the Diocese. It was also an opportunity for the children to gain some understanding of life in the villages of the Diocese. It was just one small indication of the growing development of our link which has become a precious aspect of life for the Churches in the Wriksworth area.